Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sharing Memories (Week 22 of 52): Memorial Day Thank You to Military Ancestors

I am working on sharing memories like my inspiration over at Olive Tree Genealogy. This week is about military ancestors -- of which I have many. I want to thank all military personnel -- past and present for your service, I for one greatly appreciate it.

My father was a United States Marine Corps Sergeant in Korea and prior to his tour of duty there spent time as a Drill Instructor at Camp Pendleton in California.

Neither of my grandfathers served in any wars or the military, although one worked in a factory as a foreman where they made military supplies and the other farmed and was registered for both WWI and WWII.

I do have other military ancestors including the Civil War and the Revolutionary War. I enjoy looking through the files to see where they were and was particularly interested in my 2nd great grandfather who was held as a prisoner of war by the Confederate States Army. 

I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for all they sacrificed to keep us free.

Olive Tree Inspirations are here

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